Sunday, August 21, 2011

Social Media Marketing By the Numbers [INFOGRAPHIC]

Mashable reporting:

Donny Deutsch, the former adman and talk show host, once recounted a story about a Mitsubishi Super Bowl ad that was tagged with the URL
The ad got 600,000 clicks, Deutsch said, which prompted the carmaker to ask, “Is that good?” Deutsch answered: “We told the client it was great, so it was great!
The Mitsubishi campaign ran almost eight years ago. Have things changed? Well, as the infographic below shows, there are a lot more metrics, but are they great? One way to tell is to look at what the absolute top responses are across the prevailing social media platforms — Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. In many cases, the numbers are intoxicating. Coca-Cola really got 86.5 million impressions for a Promoted Trend on Twitter? Twelve million people really tuned in to watch a man put an iPad into a blender? The numbers just tell part of the story, but as they say, you can’t argue with the numbers.You can only take issue with how “great” they are.

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